Posted on January 22, 2019 at 10:00 AM by Tom Hamilton, SPHR
Six Critical Factors in a Sales Person – Part 2, Energy and Drive.
In our previous newsletter on the six critical factors of a sales person, we addressed mental ability and its importance in selling and how it is not easily measured in an interview.
Drive, also necessary in a good salesperson, is a behavioral trait difficult to assess by both the interview and review of the candidate’s background. An individual could have outstanding drive and energy but may not have been working in an environment where it was possible for that drive and energy to be exhibited. Or conversely, a past set of circumstances may have been with an employer whose product or services was in such high demand due to market conditions that any individual who could show up for work and take orders was a sales star!
Different sales jobs require different levels of drive and energy. For example, a sales job that requires a highly pro-active sales person who is out calling on businesses requires an extremely high level of drive. Today, inside sales people normally come in two basic types. Re-active sales people take calls as they come in thus requiring less energy and drive to be successful. Pro-active salespeople are aggressively taking action by placing outbound calls to make things happen thus requiring a high level of energy and drive. The key is to get a good measurement of the drive level of the sales candidate and compare it to the requirements of the job.
Conclusion: Remember, candidates have the innate ability to read you as an interviewer and adjust his or her behavior to give you the answers you are looking for. The achiever is an instrument that accurately measures both mental aptitudes as well as drive and energy and compares these measurements to the requirements of the job. The achiever assessment is a legal, objective and consistent way of selecting the best performers for any job.
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About us: Selection Resources is a leading provider of employee selection tools and expertise that helps our clients connect employment decisions to business results. Our advanced assessment testing, background checking and applicant management software help drive a company's financial performance by streamlining hiring processes, improving employee selection and reducing employee turnover. Selection Resources has been part of the Hamilton Group since 1999, and we serve hundreds of clients nationwide from small entrepreneurial organizations to multi-location fortune 500 businesses. If you are interested in trying out our advanced selection assessments please contact us and we'll set you up to try your first one with our compliments.