- Why do most companies use assessments and job testing? We survived for all these years without them, why add them now?
- Are your assessments like the Myers Briggs personality tests
- What are some of the other benefits of using an assessment testing system?
- Can I integrate on-line assessments with our present Internet Recruiting Strategies?
- Is there any advantage to using employment assessment tests in a legal sense?
- What effect will a consistent assessment testing system have on our turnover?
- What costs and/or savings will an assessment program like this produce?
- How can we measure the effectiveness of the assessment testing system?
- Can this system be used for post-employment decisions, such as promotions, or is it only used for selection?
- At what point in the normal hiring process should employment testing be given?
- For what job levels should we use assessments?
- How many people should be assessed for each job opening?
- How does the company know what traits are important in a particular job?
- How long do the assessments take, and what is the best way to administer them?
- How will you help us to understand the assessment results?
- How can we be sure if the applicant's responses are honest and valid?
- Has this assessment been validated?
- Has your assessment system ever been challenged?
- How does this system compare with evaluations done by Industrial Psychologists?
- How many years has the employment testing been in existence?
- How many people, over the years, have been assessed on your system, and how many are currently being assessed on a monthly basis?
- How can I tell for myself that your results are accurate?
- Has this system ever been used by the federal government or in public or private schools?